Sunday, September 23, 2007

President Lincoln Assasination

President Lincoln was an amazing man with abnormally amazing senses on what decisions to make, but after watching this video I have a completely different feeling on exactly how amazing his sense really were. You notice that President Lincoln reaches for his coat and puts it on, he is fidgety and you sense that he knows something is wrong that something is not right. Then it happens and he is shot, and instantly it made me wonder how did he know? Does this man have some sort of given gift or curse? What would it be like to have this feeling? To know that only seconds from now your life was going to be over. All that you had hoped and dreamed for in the rest of your life will never come true. And to have it come so unexpectedly, while in good health and making marvelous changes in the world.
Then my thoughts went to the people with him that night. I would not even know how to react to someone getting shot only feet away from me. The emotions that would be running through you as you are trying to decide if you try to help this man or to try and catch the killer. No matter what way you look at it you are in a state of panic and do not have a clue on how to act. The thing that this video made me think of most is what type of person am I, am I the person that stays calm and saves a life or am I the person that panics and runs around like a chicken with their head cut off. I would like to think that I am the hero type, but one will never have any way of knowing until put in that situation.