Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Sleep, oh sleep. People always say, “You can sleep when you’re dead.” I always used to think that what they meant by that was that life and time is too valuable to spend your time sleeping through it. I think this is true; maybe you shouldn’t spend your whole life sleeping. But you want to know what I think this quote of the ages really means, it means sleep when you’re dead not because if you sleep now you’re wasting your life, but sleep when you’re dead because you can’t sleep now. There is no time. Sleep is something that goes through a complete cycle over your lifetime. As a little child you are forced to go to bed by eight o’clock for your early bed time. Now I would do anything to be able to go to bed by ten o’clock and probably would claim a national holiday if I get be asleep by eight. When you’re little some of the best sleepovers, which is really an oxymoron in itself, are when you can go nearly the entire night without sleeping. You are the coolest kid on the block when you and a couple of your buddies pull of an all nighter. Now you are forced to stay up into the wee hours of the night. Longing so dearly to be able to rest your head on your feather soft pillow and feel the warm comfort of your blankets wrapped around you. When you are able to get that minute amount of sleep mashed in-between all the hustle and bustle it seems to be over before you even get your eyes closed. It is violently interrupted with that dreaded sound of beep, beep, beep. This usually is followed by another beep, beep, beep, only this time they are from you, not the alarm clock. After you finally drag your self out of bed automatically your first thought is when will I be able to crawl into bed again? So what do you do about this dilemma? The question of when to find time to sleep is one that will never be answered.

1 comment:

ENG 001: Language & Writing said...

this is good! and i definitely agree..